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Aplikasi Modif Handler

Siapa yang tidak kenal dengan aplikasi-aplikasi populer di bawah ini. Karena saking banyaknya orang yang menggunakan aplikasi ini, maka Saya mencoba uploud versi Handlernya. Dengan aplikasi ini dan sedikit tambahan setingan/custom anda bisa internetan sepuasnya tanpa takut pulsa anda berkurang..


  • ---mini4---
    Opera Mini 4.4 Handler
    Opera Mini mobile browser makes web browsing fast, fun & saves you money! It is a completely free browser. Download Opera Mini browser and enjoy the web now!

    ---Mini 5---
    Opera Mini Next Handler and Old Handler
    Opera Mini mobile browser makes web browsing fast, fun & saves you money! It is a completely free browser. Download Opera Mini browser and enjoy the web now!

    Bolt Handler
    Download BOLT, the fastest,most full- featured mobile browser for phones of all types. Enjoy full PC-style web pages, stream videos & more!

    UC Browser Handler
    This is now 7.4 stable release again. With powerful transfer server, up to 90 % traffic and time saved. Nevertheless WAP/WEB browsing supported, 100+ popular site links embedded, powerful download management...

    eBuddy Handler
    Chat on Facebook, MSN, Yahoo!, Orkut (Google Talk), AIM, ICQ & MySpace. Get the most popular free IM app on your mobile. New!: Send pictures from memory.

    shMessenger Handler
    Chat with your buddies on Yahoo, MSN, GoogleTalk and Facebook from you mobile phone, for FREE, with the coolest multi messenger for mobiles.

    Mig33 Handler
    mig33 is a vibrant, mobile community where millions of users chat, meet friends and have fun every day. Chat over IM and Chat Rooms, send gifts, play games or simply use it to make cheap international calls and texts all at your fingertips!

    Nimbuzz Handler
    Nimbuzz is free calls and messaging! Everything you need to communicate for free. Also share photos, music, videos, and location. Even import Facebook, Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk, AIM & more.

    Google Maps Handler
    Google Maps for mobile is a free application that puts maps, driving directions, business listings, and more in your pocket. With the brand new Google Latitude feature, see your friends' locations and status messages, and share yours with them.

    Gmail Handler
    Access your Gmail account with this mobile application.

    Snaptu Handler
    Snaptu is a fast stylish all-in-one app that includes: Twitter, Facebook, Picasa, News, Weather, Sports, Movies, Sudoku & more.. Snaptu is efficient & powerful so your phone runs full speed ahead. Prepare to be amazed - download Snaptu now, free!

    Tv ToGo Handler
    A service that lets you watch live TV on your mobile phone. It includes an easy to use App and 40+ independent premium and broadcast channels: entertainment, new movies, hot news. Install the free TV To Go! App to your mobile, sit back and enjoy!

    Multi Handler
    3 Handler Application's
    1 Application

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